Thursday 26 January 2012

How To Master Google+ part 9

Important Note About Notification Settings

Once your account begins to receive a lot of activity from contacts, you may wish to modify your delivery preferences so that you only receive notifications whenever someone mentions you, or tags you.

Otherwise, you’ll receive quite a few automatic emails from the system
containing everything from notifications of new contacts, to those who have chosen to share a post or photo directly with you.

You’ll also receive notice that new people have added you to their circles, and are now sharing information with you by browsing the

“update snapshot”

that appears in the top right corner of your Google+ account (as shown to the left).

The status icon will change color whenever a new update is posted, such as new people who have added you to their circles, or existing contacts who have posted updates.

You will also see a snapshot of new people who are sharing information with you on the front page of your Google+ profile each time that you log in:

Google+ will also start recommending people that you should follow as you begin to add people to your circles.
The recommendations are based on existing contacts and people that you have in common with others.
You can also invite people to Google+ by clicking on the
“Invite Friends”
tab that appears in the right hand navigation column of your Google+
profile page When you click on
“Invite Friends”, you’ll be given the option of inviting people by email, or you can choose to share this link with a group of people in the event you wish to invite multiple people to Google+.

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